Name:Gabriel Mayengo
Institutions:College of African Wildlife Management, Mweka
Dr. Gabriel Mayengo has about twelve years of working experience in public service. He holds a Ph.D. in Biodiversity Conservation and Ecosystems Management. Currently, he is engaging in teaching and mentoring students, conducting research, and providing consultancy services to address conservation challenges. He is part of team coordinating different projects implemented by College within and outside Tanzania on issues related to Biodiversity Conservation. Recently, he was engaged by Community Wildlife Management Areas Consortium (CWMAC) in developing training manual on ‘capacitating Rangers on handling wildlife crime scene and code of conduct’ in Ikona Wildlife Management Area. He was further engaged with Burunge WMA in developing various publications that communicate the rights of the citizens, the land and resources use zones within the WMA and the purpose of the WMA laws and policies. Additionally, he worked with the Ngorongoro Conservation Area to assess human-wildlife conflicts in villages within and around Ngorongoro Conservation Area. He specifically evaluated the effects of these conflicts on the local population's social and economic well-being. He extensively worked in Ruaha - Katavi ecosystems to assess habitat use of different grazers using camera traps and stable isotopes technique. Recently, he was working on estimating the giraffe population in protected areas by the use of photographic capture mark re-capture. Currently he is working on exploring basic information from the human component angle of the problem and documentation of illegal hunting within Serengeti ecosystem. He also uses DNA metabarcoding techniques to understand the diet preferences of the pancake tortoise (Malacochersus tornieri). He saves as a reviewer and Co-editor in different peer reviewed journals hosted by Elsevier, Wiley Online Library and Public Library of Science (PLOS). He has published a number of publications in scientific peer reviewed journals aiming at enhancing Conservation of Biodiversity.
Research Project
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