Name:Dismas Mwacha
Institutions:Jane Goodall Institute Tanzania
2015 - To date Field veterinarian at Gombe Stream Research Center (GSRC) under the
Jane Goodall Institute. (JGI -Tanzania).
Trainings and Experiences
2022 May/2023 Feb Molecular techniques trainings on extraction of pathogens DNA and RNA
from fecal/soils using field mini-PCR and gel electrophoreses to aid
diagnoses of viral and bacterial diseases that affect chimpanzees and other
wild animals at Gombe National Park as part of One Health Program.
2021 December TAWIRI symposium, oral presentation on (i) Estimating and assessing
chimpanzee populations and threats in the Masito Ugalla Ecosystem
(ii) The Gombe Ecosystem Health Project: 16 years of program evolution
and lessons learned
2019 (September) APS, Uganda - Oral Presentation, The Gombe Ecohealth Project: longterm
integrated health-monitoring in wild chimpanzees
2019 April Three-week trainings workshop on One Health Approach to Prevent
Pandemics and One Health Workforce Laboratory Training on Molecular
techniques, at Ifakara Health Institute (IHI), Bagamoyo – Tanzania.
2018 (Jan – March) Primates Health management Training at Lwiro Primates Sanctuary,
Democratic Republic of Congo
2017 December TAWIRI Symposium, Oral Presentation on Long-term integrated healthmonitoring
in wild chimpanzees: The Gombe Eco health Project
2015 (Jan-October) Resident Veterinarian at Zanzibar Animal Affectionate Society
Organization (ZAASO) in Zanzibar
2009 – 2014 Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine (BVM), College of Veterinary medicine
and Biomedical science, Sokoine University of Agriculture. Morogoro –
Research Project
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