Name:Robinson Mdegela
Institutions:Sokoine University of Agriculture


Professor Robinson Mdegela is a senior Veterinarian specialized in Fish Medicine, and Ecosystem and One Health. He received his Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine (BVM) from Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro, Tanzania in 1996; Master of Veterinary Science (MVSc) from the Royal Veterinary and Agricul-tural University, Copenhagen, Denmark in 1998; and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) from the Norwegian Veterinary School, Oslo, Norway in 2006. He also received advance training on Risk Analysis and Model-ing at University of Pretoria in South Africa in 2004; and Advance Training on Ecosystem Health at Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute, Florida Atlantic University, USA in 2008 and White Oak Conservation Center, Florida, USA in 2008. In addition, he received OIE Advance Training on fish Medicine at Rhodes University, Eastern Cape in South Africa in 2011. Furthermore, he received Advanced Training on One Health Leadership at University of Minnesota, USA in 2012. Prof. Mdegela, has a teaching experience at Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) and other National and International Universities for 25 years. He is active in research with over 250 scientific publications, of which over 198 published in peer-reviewed journals (; 4,544 cita-tions; h-index 37; i10-index 116) and over 50 in proceedings. He has been involved in the development and implementation of more than 35 funded research projects by multinational development partners, also serving as principal investigator in 12 of them. Among funding Agencies include USAID, USDA, NOR-AD, DANIDA, Carnegie Foundation of USA, International Foundation for Science; SIDA SAREC; Wildlife Conservation Society; FAO and National Research Foundation of South Africa. He has three national pa-tents with protection from the Business Registration and Licensing Authority (BRELA) of Tanzania. In addition, Prof. Mdegela has also been involved in a number of consultancies with a focus on Antimi-crobial Resistance; Aflatoxins; pollution of aquatic environment; ecosystem health, climate change and health, risk analysis and One Health Workforce Development. Most of the Consultancies carried out were funded by FAO, ADB, USAID, SNV, PAN-UK and Global Antibiotic Resistance Partnership (GARP) of USA. The report formed the foundation of the NAPs and other strategic documents for AMR containment in Tanzania. For the time being, Prof. Mdegela serves as Chair for Research and Ethics for AFROHUN Academy based in Kampala, Uganda. With support from the International Centre for Antimicrobial Resistance Solutions (ICARS), he serves as a Lead Researcher in two solution-based AMR innovative projects supported by IC-ARS. He is also among the FAO Experts working on the Alternative and advanced feeding practices to promote the responsible use of antimicrobials since 2023.

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