Name:Janemary Ntalwila
Institutions:Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute
Dr. Janemary Ntalwila is a Chief Research Officer and Head of Wildlife Information, Education and Public Relations (WIEP) for the Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute (TAWIRI). She has a long working experience of over 20 years in natural resource management and protection and has participated in various conservation projects both national and international projects. She is specialized in Human -wildlife interactions, socio-ecological studies and community-based tourism enterprises. She is now working on socio-ecological studies, specifically on mitigating human-wildlife conflicts (HWC) in the country. She has significantly contributed on research to understand the drivers and causalities of HWCs; examining and implement non-lethal affordable HWCs mitigation measures to enhance coexistence. Her work has contributed significantly on training and supporting rural communities adjacent to protected areas in mitigating HWC, and she was a team leader during the preparation of the first National Human Wildlife Conflict Mitigation Strategy of 2018-2023.
Her expertise on managing big donor funded projects enabled the institute to host and implement EU funded projects where she worked as an Assistant Work Package Leader (Host Country - Tanzania) of AfricanBioServices Consortium (Grant no 641819,www.africanbioservices.eu) from 2015-2019 that focused on understanding the relationships between humans and ecosystems, and how human well-being are impacted by ongoing climate change in the Serengeti-Mara ecosystem, and she worked also with SEMA consortium another EU funded Project that was coordinated by Vi-Agroforestry from 2016-2019, specifically focusing in promoting regional dialogue, cooperation and community involvement in wildlife law enforcement and management of the Trans-frontier Conservation Areas between Kenya and Tanzania. She is among the Authors of the famous book of “the Northern Serengeti Road ecology” (https://www.amazon.com/Northern-Serengeti-ISBN-13: 978-8245023596, ISBN-10: 8245023590), and has published over about 30 scientific papers in both peer reviewed journals, book chapters and conference proceedings.
In addition, her career path has significantly contributed in capacity building by supervising students both in Tanzania mainland and Zanzibar and awareness rising among gender groups, youth and local Authorities on natural resources management and community-based conservation development enterprises as well as supporting Wildlife Management Authorities in the preparation and development of the General Management Plans (GMPs). Dr. Ntalwila as a woman in her leadership position, has served several important positions, as the Head of WIEP, she has managed to publicize the Institute through her strong ability and skills in events organization. She has managed to hold a position of Secretary of the TAWIRI International Scientific Conferences for over eight years with great success. Her skills and commitment on synthesizing scientific information into popular versions such as newsletters, technical books, Policy Briefs, training manuals and many others and through use of media, wildlife research findings are timely disseminated to stakeholders for informed decisions and formulation of better plans to enhance both conservation and community livelihoods. Dr. Ntalwila has served at the managerial positions as a member of TAWIRI Management for more than seven years. Her strong commitment, influence and involvement has enabled TAWIRI to strategically implement its mandatory roles. These commitments have enabled her to be very instrumental in serving in various positions to date including but not limited to, Chairperson of the TAWIRI Tender Board Committee, Member of the TAWIRI Ethics Management Committee, Chairperson of the Advisory Committee for the Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism on utilization of wildlife resources, Board Member of Korona High Secondary School in Arusha, Secretary General of the Women Union of the Arusha Archdiocese, and Board Member for Oikos East Africa.
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